Long Story

We are all threads of a long rope that goes back countless generations and through which everyone is connected. Which threads connect the different generations? How do we experience this connection? What liberates us and what oppresses us? What gets passed on?

The chair refers to the effect of time, the past that continues into the present. Long Story is about my grandmother, a strong woman who got Hansen’s disease at a young age. She was banished to a leprosy colony and quarantined for life.  This colony was a former sugar plantation, a similar place to where her ancestors worked and lived as enslaved in Suriname.

Traxel_installation Long Story
Traxel_Long Story Installation
Traxel_installation Long Story

Tori Telling

In many cultures there is a lot of sharing during dinner! What stories do we tell each other and what stories do we tell ourselves… what do we share with others, are they memories, ideas about the future…

What stories do we not tell because they are too painful because they expose something that would rather remain hidden?

Traxel_Tori Telling
Traxel_Tori Telling
Traxel_Tori Telling
Traxel_Tori Telling
Traxel_Tori Telling
Traxel_Tori Telling